'We took our 10 month old twin baby girls to the beach and they absolutely loved it! Well... I should say Gretta loved it, Gwen was a bit more hesitant about it all, but eventually warmed up to the ocean. I loved seeing them get so excited about watching the seagulls and eating sand. So priceless! Follow me on Instagram http://instagram.com/mommyjena Related fertility videos---- Gender Reveal Party http://youtu.be/uvYkn6Ri1vQ Frozen Embryo Transfer procedure: http://youtu.be/cIsbUky-POU Pregnancy test results: http://youtu.be/NmEOGS0JRIM Egg Retrieval Hysteroscopy Polypectomy procedure: http://youtu.be/C15q9g96ilk For more info you can visit our blog at http://somedaymama.wordpress.com tags: pregnant twins birth IVF fertility baby pregnancy In-Vitro TTC IUI infertility Somedaymama someday mama momma Jena Wright conceive conceive first 1st #1 journey update ttc, ivf, in-vitro, newborn, update, day in the life, infertility, fertility, ICSI success, twins, baby girls.'
Tags: update , girl , Day in the Life , baby , twins , beach day , twin life , life with twins , twins day in life
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